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Why is it so important to prep the skin properly before a wax treatment?

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Why is it so important to prep the skin properly before a wax treatment?


Do you ever get clients returning with disappointment because their wax didn’t last as long as they’d hoped for? Or you were surprised with a rebooking because of early regrowth? It’s likely that the skin wasn’t prepped in the most effective way to ensure lasting results

To give the best results and help prolong the waxing effects for as long as possible for your clients, it is essential to prepare the skin correctly before any waxing treatment. This will ensure the hair is released from the follicle and prevents any breakage, early regrowth and ingrown hairs giving your clients a satisfying long-lasting wax.

It all starts with exfoliation; however, this isn’t the only answer for helping to release the hair from the follicle as some therapists may think. Although it is an essential step in prepping the skin pre wax, some exfoliators are too harsh and can irritate the area.

Be sure to use a gentle exfoliator, ideally one that has biodegradable jojoba micro beads which are a natural, effective exfoliant that doesn’t scratch or irritate the skin. The Outback Organics Face & Body Scrub is a gentle, non-abrasive body scrub which has deeply nourishing effects.

It’s also great to use as part of the waxing treatment, rub into the skin and remove with a warm towel to give your client a luxury treatment. Because the Outback scrub is so gentle and doesn’t break or scratch the skin, this is perfectly fine to do.

Whilst cleansing and sanitising the skin pre wax, it is very important to really massage and work the product into the skin to hydrate and soften the area. This ensures you are loosening the hair from the follicle, hydrating the area, and last but not least, cleaning and sanitising the skin in preparation for the treatment.

When choosing your sanitiser make sure you choose an alcohol-free product. Products which contain alcohol dry and strip the skin of its natural hydration, so stay clear if possible. Our Gel Cleanser is a botanically enriched skin sanitiser containing soothing aloe vera, cucumber, rosehip and Australian bush mint, plus additional conditioning agents to protect the skin.

The alcohol-free formula will not sting or dehydrate the skin and the gel texture liquefies when massaged into the area.

Create the barrier
One of the most important steps in the preparation process is the use of the botanical body oil. This creates a barrier between the wax and the skin, in turn, making the treatment much more comfortable for your clients.

source from https://www.cosmeticsbusiness.com

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