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Response methods of social work in public health emergencies (2)

Hits: 3896701 2020-05-01

Response methods of social work in public health emergencies (2)
function _typeof(e){ return e&&"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol?"symbol":typeof e; } !function(e){ if("object"===("undefined"==typeof module?"undefined":_typeof(module)))module.exports=e;else{ if(window.__second_open__)return; Var t= "novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic situation, in addition to medical workers rushed to the front line, community workers have also undertaken a lot of prevention and control work. In Nanjing, the community has undertaken the work of registering the information of returning personnel from other places, setting up the entrance guard of the community to measure the temperature, assisting in the distribution of masks, etc., which is the first "defense line" worthy of the name for epidemic prevention and control. Run Tian social work service center, specially invited Dr. Cui Xiaohui, director of Social Work Department of School of society and population, Nanjing University of Posts and telecommunications, on the subject of "how should social workers use professional methods to deal with unexpected public health events in time", to offer suggestions for social workers and provide professional knowledge for community front-line prevention and control work. The novel coronavirus pneumonia is a new disease. "T. E (T, 0): e (" new crown pneumonia epidemic "), in addition to medical workers rushing to the front line, community workers have also undertaken a lot of prevention and control work. In Nanjing, the community has undertaken the work of registering the information of returning personnel from other places, setting up the entrance guard of the community to measure the temperature, assisting in the distribution of masks, etc., which is the first "defense line" worthy of the name for epidemic prevention and control. Run Tian social work service center, specially invited Dr. Cui Xiaohui, director of Social Work Department of School of society and population, Nanjing University of Posts and telecommunications, on the subject of "how should social workers use professional methods to deal with unexpected public health events in time", to offer suggestions for social workers and provide professional knowledge for community front-line prevention and control work. "); } }(function(e,t){ function a(e,t){ var a=e.match(new RegExp(t+"\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^\"'\\s>]+)[\"']?")); return a&&a[1]; } function n(e){ e=e.split(/(]*>)(.*?)()/); for(var t,n=0;ni.offsetHeight+1){ var e=document.getElementById("js_folder_text_switch"),t=parseFloat(getComputedStyle(o).fontSize,10); e.style.display="block", e.setAttribute("data-height",o.offsetHeight/(t||16)); } },300)); });

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